The Healing Church of God



Natural Medicines

( Basic Listing: Research Advised Before Usage )

Alfalfa - Appetite Stimulant

Aloe Vera - Promotes Wound Healing: First degree burns,cuts,and scratches.

Astragalus - Colds, Flu, and Minor Infections.

Bearberry- Mild Urinary Tract Infections.

Bilberry - Improves Microcirculation: Atherosclerosis, Diarrea, Hemorroids, Mouth and Throat Inflamation.

Black Cohosh - Anti-Inflamitory. Menstral Difficulties, Menopausal Difficulties, and PMS.

Calendula - Promotes Wound Healing: First degree Burns, Mouth & Throat Infections, and Sore Throat.

Cannabis Indica - Nausea, Migraine Headaches, Anxiety Disorder, Depression, Appetite Stimulant, Chemopreventitive, All Around Good General Pain Relief. ( Uses Too Many To List ).

Cannabis Sativa - Nausea, Migraine Headaches, Anxiety Disorder, Depression, Appetite Stimulant, Chemopreventitive, All Around Good General Pain Relief. ( Uses Too Many To List ).

Cascara Sagrada - Laxative: Constipation.

Cat's Claw - Anti-Inflamitory, Immunostimulant.

Cayenne - Antioxidant, Nutritive.

Chamomile - Anti-Inflamitory. Promotes Wound Healing: Indigestion, Insomnia, and Nausea.

Cranberry - Mild Urinary Tract Infections.

Dandelion - Appetite Stimulant,Diuretic. Increases Bile Flow.

Dong Quai - Menstral Difficulties, Menopausal Difficulties, and PMS.

Echinacea - Prevents or Reduces Cold Symptoms: Colds, Flu, and Minor Infections.

Eleuthero - Invigorating Energy, Adaptogen (Tonic), Immunostimulant.

Ephedra - Bronchodilator: Asthma, Mild Nasal Congestion.

Evening Primrose - Essential Fatty Acids Deficiency, and PMS.

Feverfew - Migraine Headaches.

Fo-Ti - Adaptogen (tonic), Blood Builder, Lowers Colestrol.

Garlic - Chemopreventitive, Lowers Colestrol, and Keeps Away Vampires.

Ginger - Digestive Stimulant: Indigestion, Motion Sickness, and Nausea.

Ginko - Antioxidant, Improves Microcirculation: Age Related Memory Loss, and Tinnitus ( Ringing In The Ears ).

Ginseng - Adaptogen ( tonic): Convalescence, and Fatigue.

Goldenseal - Antibacterial, Detoxification: Inflammation Of Mucus Membranes.

Gotu Kola - Improves Memory: Cuts and Abrasions, and Stress.

Hawthorn - Angina Pectoris, Congestive Heart Failure ( Early Stages ).

Hemp (Seed) - Nutritional Booster.

Hops - Anxiety, Insomnia, Lack Of Appetite, and Making Beer.

Keneh-Bosem - Nausea, Migraine Headaches, Anxiety Disorder, Depression, Appetite Stimulant, Chemopreventitive, All Around Good General Pain Relief. ( Uses Too Many To List ).

Kava-Kava - Anxiety, Insomnia, and Stress.

Lemon Balm - Digestive Gas, Herpes Sores, and Insomnia.

Licorice - Cough Suppressant, Expectorant: Stomache or Duodenal Ulcers.

Marijuana - Nausea, Migraine Headaches, Anxiety Disorder, Depression, Appetite Stimulant, Chemopreventitive, All Around Good General Pain Relief. ( Uses Too Many To List ).

Marshmallow - Expectorant: Indigestion, and Sore Throat.

Milk Thistle - Liver Disorders.

Passionflower - Anxiety, and Insomnia.

Pau D' Arco - Antibactirial, Antifungal, and Antiviral.

Peppermint - Congestive Spasms, and Nausea.

Psyllium - Laxitave, Lowers Colestrol: Constipation.

Red Clover - Chemopreventitive.

Reishi - Adaptogen (tonic), Immunostimulant: Anxiety.

Sasparilla - Flavoring.

Saw Palmetto - Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ( BPH).

Senna - Laxative: Constipation.

Skullcap - Mild Sedative.

Slippery Elm - Nutritrive: Convalescense, Gastrointestinal Irritation, and Sore Throat.

St. John's Wort - Antidepressant: Cuts and Abrassions.

Stinging Nettle - Diuretic: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ( BPH).

Tea Tree - Antibactirial, Antifungal: Acne, and Candida.

Valerian - Mild Sedative: Anxiety, and Insomnia.

Vitex - Menopausal Difficulties, Menstral Difficulties, and PMS.

Willow - Fever, Aches, and Pains.

ISAIAH 53:5 ROMANS Ch.12 JOHN 3:16

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